Welcome to Dakota ACAC
The Dakota Association for College Admission Counseling (Dakota ACAC or DACAC) is a non-profit professional association for secondary and post-secondary institutions and professionals in North Dakota and South Dakota. In 1993, Dakota ACAC was granted a charter as affiliate of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). NACAC conducts an annual conference, tracks government relations issues affecting college admissions, develops ethical guidelines for dealing with college-bound students in the admission process and encourages leadership development at the national and regional levels.
Dakota ACAC is a two-state affiliate serving the Dakotas and its governing structure is divided into three entities, Dakota ACAC and two state councils, Council for College Admission in SD (CCASD) and Dakota ACAC-ND (DACAC-ND). While part of the larger Dakota ACAC affiliate, the two state councils have operated separately since the early 1970’s, primarily responsible coordinating planning days, college fairs and other programming within their respective state.
Dakota ACAC oversees the annual conference and activities related to the NACAC, such as Government Relations, Membership and Professional Development.
(approved April 2023)